Values and mission statement of the daycare center


To the extent organizationally possible and age-appropriate, the children are encouraged and entitled to express their desires and make decisions in many areas (e.g. at mealtimes, in personal hygiene, in the selection of activities during free play time, etc.). Encouraging participation is a high priority for the daycare center.


In our daycare center, we always treat every child with respect.

Educational partnership

Parents are the experts on their children, which is why we value them as educational partners.

Mission statement:

Building on the guidelines of the Education Plan of the German federal state of Hesse, each child is given the foundation for optimal and holistic development. Since parents want to and must balance child-rearing and working life, and since the challenges are ever greater and the amount of time available ever more limited, it is of particular concern to us as a daycare center to serve as a hub for families from all social backgrounds.

The philosophy of the daycare center is to offer children a place where they can build stable relationships with other children and adults, gain experience, and grow into values-oriented and self-confident individuals.

This is always accomplished through professional and respectful support from a qualified and motivated team. If parents can hand over their children with a good feeling and a sense of trust, their general satisfaction can be higher.